Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thoughts: Persona 4: The Animation episode 1

Chie is the one who should be sorry.
If the title of this blog (which should be Amagi Inn, unless I changed it again) is not apparent enough, Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4 is one of my all-time favorite games. Subsequently the anime adaptation was essentially the only show I was looking forward to for the fall, anything involving ponies notwithstanding. Still, I will admit that my expectations for the show were not very high. Part of Persona 4's beauty is the way the player defines the main character and story, and having it spelled out in a "canon" way felt somewhat bothersome. On the other hand I'm apparently in the minority for choosing Yukiko over Rise, so maybe I was just preemptively fanboying out. Anyway, onto the thoughts!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Fun Factor

Remember the old GamePro review format? It used four separate scores; Graphics, Sound, Control, and "FunFactor." There was also Challenge, but that typically didn't have a numerical rating. Typically fun factor tended to end up as an average of the other three scores, although I recall GamePro stating otherwise. I guess it was just how things worked. I mean if the graphics, control, and sound weren't up the par, you probably weren't having fun, right?

Friday, July 29, 2011



Monday, July 18, 2011


You've stumbled upon my personal blog! Notice how it's empty? I'll try to fix that soon.